Without a doubt, many businesses thrive in December while others businesses suffer during the holidays. You may need to get a small business loan in December so you don’t suffer in January and February of the following year. There are certain businesses that need it more than others. Imports and exports usually tend to go down because they are dependent on the foreign markets. Many foreign countries shut down for two weeks. In fact, this is know as business seasonal financing.
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What is seasonal business financing?
Seasonal business financing, is when a business experiences seasonal trends and obtains cash for the slow season. You don’t want to wait until January because if your sales go down it will be harder to get a small business loan. If you apply for a loan in early December you still have good revenues. If you show declining revenues business lenders may deny your loan request or may request last year’s bank statements and or profit to loss statements to see the trend. In the end you can only assess if you need a small business loan for January and February.