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Lendinero In The News


Mar 28

Gil Zapata, CEO of Lendinero. He shared some of his entrepreneurial wisdom with us.

CEO of Lendinero featured on Entrepreneur Magazine.  Insights for Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneur Gil Zapata is the founder and CEO of Lendinero. He shared some of his entrepreneurial wisdom with us. Q: What is Lendinero and why did you decide to start it? A: Lendinero is an online marketplace that helps business owners get the financing they need. We match business.  Read More 

Mar 28

Starting an ISO Shop? Here’s What You Need to do Differently

New York June 17, 2016 | By: Srividya Kalyanaraman   It’s not news that commercial finance brokers are hurting and some are even calling it quits. The industry that didn’t ask for more than a phone and a sharp sales acumen from anyone wanting to start an ISO shop is now stifled with competition. The low barriers to entry that welcomed new companies is causing a seismic shift in the way brokers do business. While some are ready to leave, most are still grappling with the changing times. What’s different about the business now? Almost everything, some say. Gil Zapata who..Read More

Mar 28

Business Loan Brokers and MCA ISOs Call it Quits

NEW YORK,  (WALL STREET PUBLICATION) MAY 2016 Hard times for those facilitating small business financing solutions are starting to cause a visible exodus from the space. In their wake, industry vendors have told deBanked of unexpected credit card charge disputes for leads long past purchased or for ISO software previously paid for. . . . Gil Zapata of Lendinero wrote to deBanked in an email about what’s happening out there. “Lead generation is expensive,” he said. “Most people think that obtaining a new client is just cold calling. Wrong. There is a cultivation process.” READ MORE

Mar 28

Business Borrowers Beware “Technology Will Outsmart You”

NATIONWIDE (INSIDE MONEY TODAY) DECEMBER 2015 Before the recession much fraud occurred with bank statements, due in part to banks and financial credit offered easily. Before 2007, technology was not widely used to detect if the bank accounts were real or fake. After the recession many aspects have changed in the financial industry. Today, in the world of alternative business loans to a system called “Decision Logic” is used to prevent fraud from business borrowers. It is an advanced bank verification that allows lenders to instantly verify the financial information of a potential borrower, online and in real time READ..Read More

Mar 28

Tecnología para prevenir el fraude “Un Especial”

MIAMI, FL (MIAMI HERALD) DECEMBER 2015 Antes de la recesión ocurrió mucho fraude con los documentos bancarios, debido, en parte, a que los bancos y las financieras ofrecían el crédito fácilmente. Antes del 2007 no se utilizaba mucho la tecnología para detectar si las cuentas bancarias eran reales o falsas. Después de la recesión muchos aspectos cambiaron. LEER MAS

Mar 28

Lendinero has Launched new Financing Programs to Help Latino Businesses

NATIONWIDE (PR WEB) NOVEMBER 2015 Lendinero, the leader in online lending for Hispanic small business, today announced a major expansion of its products to help Hispanic businesses. The company has partnered up with Wall Street capital to offer a wide range of alternative lending solutions and new initiatives for Hispanic business owners. Read More

Online finance company news stories.  Lendinero has been featured in major publications.

What is our online finance company news stories? In general, its stories about our online finance company. Lendinero in the news is important for small business owners because you can place your trust in our company.  In addition, before you take a business loan you need to make sure you work with a company that credible.  Do you think major publications would write about a company that is not credible and trustworthy?


In fact, at Lendinero we work very hard to build trust and credibility because we want our customers to feel comfortable.  The fact that Lendinero has been featured in numerous publications demonstrates that we are company that you can trust.  Additionally, we believe in small  businesses and we want you to believe in us.

Browse around and read some of our press releases.  Magazines and newspapers have featured great stories about our company.  The CEO of our company is a contributing writer to numerous publications.  You will find valuable information at press lendinero. To demonstrate, Lendinero has appeared in the Miami Herald, El Nuevo Herald, Entrepreneur Magazine, Forbes and other major publications.  Notably, we appear in the industry publication Debanked, a Wall Street publication that provides information about alternative financing.

Business Workshops

In summary, Lendinero has provided joint workshops with Bank of America, Acccion USA, the SBA and other agencies.  These workshops and seminars have been featured in the news.

To enumerate, we believe that it is important to review the press releases of any company. For this reason, our public relations and marketing team is out there working hard with publishers to report information that benefits small businesses.  Last but not least, we want to thank all of the publications that have featured Lendinero.

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