For South Florida high tourism season falls during the wintertime, from mid-October to mid-April. This is when restaurants sell the most food, nightclubs make the most revenues, and liquor sales go up. Are you prepared for this tourist season? The weather is perfect in Florida from January to April, it’s not hot and it’s not too cold. Depending on the business you are running a small business loan can help you to capitalize from the tourist that come from all over the world to Florida. What’s your marketing strategy? Do you have a clientele list? Do you have the information of previous tourist? If you have a list of people who visited you before or who bought from you this may help you. They may not visit you but if they had a good experience they will tell other people about your business. Other options include advertising your business in other countries and doing joint marketing campaigns. Also, you may need to increase marketing, inventory, and personnel. These are things you need to consider to prepare yourself for tourism season in Florida. A small business loan can help you get the cash you need to reach out to tourist.