There are many seasonal businesses. Some industries which experience seasonal issues are:
- Agricultural
- Food distribution
- Restaurants
- Clothing
- Electronics
- Home Supplies
- Auto Industry
This is just a handful of business that experience seasonal issues. How can you secure financing for business when your business experiences a seasonal downturn?
1. Apply for a business loan before your bank deposits start trending low
2. Have 12 months of bank statements ready to demonstrate to the lender that you experience a seasonal downturn. This is common in your business and industry.
3. Have a year to date and previous year profit to loss statement to show the difference in earnings or to demonstrate the season trend issue.
4. If you have an existing loan or line of credit; renew it or as for an increase before the downward trend.
5. Have accounts receivables ready if they are due 90 days or 120 days into the future to show the lender that they will only live with the loan for 3 months to 4 months during the downturn, but that you have money coming in very soon.
These are just some steps you can take to help you secure business financing if you experience a downturn in your cash flow. If you don’t do this most lenders will either deny you or provide you with very minimal capital.
About Lendinero
Launched in 2012, Lendinero initially launched from Miami targeting Hispanic businesses. Today, it has opened up its doors to cater to businesses from all ethnic groups and backgrounds. Lendinero provides funding when banking is not an option. Lendinero can provide a business credit decision within 24 hours and fund as fast as 7 business days.