Every business owner dreams of obtaining a small business loan with an interest ranging from 5% to 8%. Are you prepared for your bank? Most banks will need the last 3 years of personal and corporate tax returns, the last 3 years of financial statements, a personal financial worksheet, and other documents. In addition, most banks need a minimum of a 680 credit score. Last but not least, if you have non-sufficient bank activity, if your reporting losses on your tax returns and you are taking too many tax breaks don’t even think about trying to obtain a bank loan. While these factors may be beneficial to you in taking tax breaks they will not be beneficial when trying to obtain a bank loan. You cannot beat the internal revenue service and the banks at the same time. You need to make a decision when trying to obtain small business loan on tax issues. If you are not ready for your bank there are other small business loan options in the market today.